Saturday, September 2

They Grow So Fast

One year ago...the Friday of Labor Day weekend at 12:37 PM CST, we received a phone call giving us the news that we had another daughter. And, we saw this photo of Fu Li Jun...

One year later, Mia has been home with us nine months. She would rather run than walk, she is surprising us with new words and phrases every day, she loves stuffed animals, but mostly her baby Pooh, she adores real life babies and she loves to swim. She has an "on" button and an "off" button - there is no mellow in between and sometimes we can't find the "off" button! She idolizes her big sister and mimics her every move and word. She also enjoys tormenting her big sister just to hear her scream!


Notice the sticker on Emily's shirt...Go Frogs! I believe that is a car decal and it better come off that shirt...or Daddy is in trouble!