Monday, April 7

Replace Worry with Trust

We’re moms. We worry about things, right? What do you worry about? Do you worry about your child’s performance in school? Do you worry about their health? Do you worry about keeping them safe?

Have you ever worried about not being able to feed your child? Have you ever worried where your family would sleep tonight?

Do you worry that your child won’t make the elite gymnastics team? Do you worry about how you’ll afford those expensive sneakers that all the other kids are wearing? Do you worry about having a new car or the most beautifully decorated house?

Yesterday, our pastor preached on replacing worry with trust. Bruce is a very smart man and has many wonderful insights when it comes to helping us understand God’s Word. Sometimes I take notes at church and sometimes I am so intent on listening to the message that I don’t take any notes. I took a ton of notes this week!

I’ve tacked my note sheet right here beside my computer so that I can refer to it when I feel worry filling my head and heart. I thought that I would share a few of my notes.

The Bible gives us seven reasons why we should not worry:

  • Worry is trivial.
  • God will provide.
  • Worry is impotent…it accomplishes nothing.
  • God with clothe you.
  • Worry is a lack of faith…remember that faith slays worry.
  • Worry is pagan.
  • Worry doubts the Father’s care…He will provide!

Rather than worry, we should use our time and energy to pursue God’s kingdom. How? Jesus tells us in Luke 12:33-34 to “Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” (NLT)

Of course, Bruce confirmed that this doesn’t mean to sell everything we own. Whew! It does mean that rather than focusing on the material things of this world, and, getting more and more for ourselves, our focus should be on what will be most valuable to us in heaven – our relationship with God and our relationship with people.

I will wrap up this post with two more points that Bruce made that I will stay with me. And, if I get off course, I have my notes tacked right here to remind me!

There is a big difference between wise concern and worry. Wise concern is about making smart choices – saving for retirement or our children’s education. Worry gets you nowhere. If you worry without taking some sort of action and responsibility for yourself, you will not gain anything.

Finally, he reminded us that worry (and I’d like to add complaining) is like a rocking chair…it gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere. This made me laugh, but it sure makes a good point, doesn’t it?!

I don’t typically summarize Sunday’s sermon here on my blog, but this was too good not to share!

Cute puppy print from