Friday, March 7

This is so funny!

So, this morning I got my weekly traffic report from Site Meter. The report gives me the number of hits per week (221), average site visits per day (32), etc. I can also go to their website for more detailed information. For some reason, I clicked on the link this morning and took a look at referrals…the places that people come from to my site.

The one that caught my eye was a G00gle search on “H0T Te@chers wearing H1gh Hee1s”. Seriously! That just cracked me up…bet that guy was disappointed when he got to this post…unless he has some sort of foot thing!

On to other things…

Yes, it’s true! We got boatloads of snow in Texas yesterday...our second snowfall this week! I just realized that this October will mark 10 years in Texas for me and this is the most snow that I’ve seen fall since I’ve been here. The girls were thrilled and had Daddy outside making a snowman. I was the photographer that kept running back in the house because I was FREEZING! I guess that my blood has really thinned out since my move here from Boston. I hope to get some of the photos scrapped this afternoon. In the meantime…

Don't make fun of their tall skinny snowman...Chuck is a bit out of practice...he's lived in Texas for 20 years!